Tag Archives: appliance power consumption

Home Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

The efficiency of your home air conditioner unit is important. While running it likely uses more electricity than any other household appliance. Here are some home air conditioner maintenance tips that will keep your unit running as efficient as possible.

Home appliance efficiency is important.  Keeping your home air conditioner running efficiently will save you money and will keep your house cool using less energy.

It is always tempting to look into and research “new” energy-saving technologies, but to save energy something “new” should not be your top priority.

Keeping the appliances you have in the best, most efficient, condition possible will equal the energy conservation you desire and maximum satisfaction of use.

Focus on the home air conditioner.

Here are two things to check to verify how efficient you air conditioner runs.

  1. When was the furnace filter changed?
  2. When were the condenser coils last cleaned?

Nothing kills efficiency like the lack of air flow.

Here is what to do to improve the efficiency of your air conditioner.

  • Step One – Change your furnace filter regularly.  Nothing makes your air conditioner and blower motor work harder and lose efficiency like a plugged and dirty furnace filter.  Five minute job. Do this every 30 to 90 days.
  • Step Two – Clean the condenser coils on the outdoor air conditioner unit.  Outdoor air must flow through the fins and coils to help exhaust the heat the air conditioner is pulling out of you house.

Here is a brief tutorial how to clean the condenser coils……

You will need;

  1. A screw driver or nut driver that matches the fasteners on the air conditioner enclosure.
  2. A soft bristle brush.
  3. A pressurized garden hose ( for rinsing).


home air conditioner maintenance tips
Simple tools are needed.


Follow these steps to get the coils clean;

1.  Disconnect power from the air conditioning unit by shutting off the thermostat and by switching off  the circuit breaker that feeds electricity to the unit.

2.  Remove the sheet metal housing from round your air conditioner.  Save all the fasteners in a safe place because they will all be used again.

Home air conditioner maintenance tips
The inside of the condenser unit shroud. A lot of fiber and dust.

3. Use the soft bristle brush to sweep the dust off the condenser fins.  Be careful not to bend the fins.  Be gentle.

Home air conditioner maintenance tips
Large amount of cotton wood fibers and dust really kills appliance efficiency.

4.  Use the hose, wash off the sheet metal that has been removed.

5.  Use the hose wash off the condensing fins and coil.

Home air conditioner maintenance tips
Nice clean cooling fins. You should easily see the condenser coils. Much improved appliance efficiency.

6.  Let everything dry for 1 hour.

7.  Re install the sheet metal shroud around the condensing unit. Use all the fasteners.

8.  Switch power back on the to air conditioner.

9.  Switch the thermostat to cool.

10. Enjoy the cold air coming out of your vents.

A project like this might take 1 1/2 hours to accomplish.  The result will be an increase in your air conditioner efficiency.